Check out the New Macro Challenge - runs until end of August

August 8th, 2018
Thankyou to Northy ( @northy ) for hosting the macro straw challenge. What a surprise to find myself the winner. To all who took part, many thanks, and a special mention to the other finalists @summerfield @featherstone26 @joysabin @cristinaledesma33 and their wonderful entries - all of which I would have been happy to vote for.

So, onto the next challenge.

You have from now (Wednesday 8 August) until Friday 31 August, to show me what you can do with the theme of THREAD. You can interpret this as a literal thread, or you can illustrate the action of thread. Use your imagination to come up with your macro thread entry, take your capture within the dates given, and then use -

TAG : macro-thread

You can post your entries here and also include the link to this challenge page in your posts to encourage others to take part in the challenge...

Past macro challenges were hands, music, food packaging, brushes, motion, candy, knobs, buttons, cutlery, wood, eye, jewelry, stationery, fruit or fruits, water drops, St. Patrick’s Day, feathers, food, rust, leaf, herb/spice, money, tools, shells, toys, textures, bubbles, bugs, flowers, seeds, music, key, game piece, Christmas decoration, metal, glass, stone, color, flowers again, textures, time,drinking straw, AND soon to be added to this list, thread.

I look forward to seeing your entries.
August 8th, 2018
Ohhh!! Good one!
August 9th, 2018
Oh, that’s a great one for the macro challenge!
August 9th, 2018
Very good for the next macro!
August 9th, 2018
August 9th, 2018
@homeschoolmom you'll find loads of threads in your home Lisa!!!

Now to find my box with those needle things and a roll of cotton ( that never matches what needs mending!)
August 9th, 2018
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Haha! Yes, I definitely have tons of thread in my house!
August 14th, 2018
Remember, a thread comes in many forms. Look forward to seeing all of your entries. Here is my picture wire macro thread by way of encouragement.

August 15th, 2018
My anchor for 'second eyes' at sea!
August 15th, 2018
Keep on rolling
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