This week our self portraits will be highlighting, commenting on, acknowledging or simply ignoring "Flaws". By definition, a flaw a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault. Used as a verb with an object one might describe something to produce a flaw in it. Lots of options with this one!
Give us your best shot and the tag is fiveplustwo-flaws. If you would like to join in with a self portrait of your own please do so. You're encouraged to add your submission to this thread, but that is not mandatory.
@tstb13 @vagabondframe @vignouse @vincent24 @voiceprintz @vera365 @walrus @wamstreet @wanabe @wasp @webfoot @weezilou @welshgirl @wenadee @wenbow @wendyhgill @wildernesswillie @wilhelmreitz @willowidk @yaorenliu @ylvalie @zoegriffin_ @alophoto @365projectjadekatphotography