Introduce Us to a Stranger in the People Challenge

August 26th, 2021
Kathy Burzynski @myhrhelper has started a wonderful new challenge about people which has a ton of potential themes such as street photography, black & white, family, couples, kids, men with beards, senior citizens, head shots, wedding, people at work etc. Any photo would work as long as it involves people or a person in the shot. Thank you, Kathy!

Some of Kathy’s fabulous work with people can be found here:

I was delighted to have won the second edition of this new challenge and would like to thank those who participated, and voted in it.

Older photos have been allowed with this challenge so far so I will continue that tradition. (However, I will admit that current photos may be given preference in the selection process – LOL!!)

I have chosen a theme that puts me out of my comfort zone but I will struggle along with those of you that may also find this daunting and do it as well.

Strangers. There is a Flickr group devoted to photographing 100 Strangers so I thought I just might sneak in on their theme. Don't be shy! Let's see what you can come up with!

I have included a few links for inspiration for those of you who have not ever attempted this.

The challenge runs from August 25th to Wednesday, September 15th
I will then short-list the finalists and set up the voting with the winner announced on September 19th or 20th.

Please tag your entry with people-strangers
You can view the entries here
August 26th, 2021
Yes! Love it, and thank you for the links, I will read them.
August 26th, 2021
@quietpurplehaze does excellent strangers photos. I've watched her in action!!!
August 26th, 2021

Jackie, thank you kindly for the vote of confidence!!
August 27th, 2021
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @quietpurplehaze
Well then, I guess I can expect an entry from both of you! Especially you, Jackie since you can learn from Hazel!
August 27th, 2021
@farmreporter This will be a fun challenge and will plan to participate. The main reason for allowing the older photos is some areas are in lockdown and not able to go out and take photos so I would hope they would participate but I think for the most part current pictures are best.
August 27th, 2021

Wendy, it would probably be too hard to choose from my nearly 200 strangers'portraits, plus I once won a challenge and then did not want to host the next one! I prefer non-competitive work. Good luck!
August 27th, 2021
@myhrhelper Yes, I know! Will these stupid lockdowns never end?
@quietpurplehaze I quite understand about challenges and hosting them when you do win. It can take a bit of the fun away.
August 27th, 2021

Many thanks Wendy for your understanding - after I had written my comment, I thought I might have sounded a bit curmudgeonly! Which was not my intention!
August 27th, 2021
@quietpurplehaze curmudgeonly? You??? Never
August 28th, 2021
@farmreporter Only when enough people stop going along with it. IMO
September 3rd, 2021
I'm loving some of the entries, @farmreporter looks like you picked a good theme
September 15th, 2021
Hello Wendy! A few days ago, you asked me to send you a reminder on this one today. So here it is :D
September 16th, 2021
Thank you, Monika. I was actually thinking about it and will do it tonight.
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