5+2 for the love of selfies- Antithesis

February 22nd, 2022
Antithesis is the theme this week so we will be delving into contrasts and opposites . In literature Antithesis is used in an opposition or contrast of words or sentiments occurring in the same sentence, in this case used in the same picture of you!

tag is fiveplustwo-antithesis

Some 365ers All Dressed Up

@lesip in her Valentines getup

@frappa77 to the nines

face painted @louannwarren
February 22nd, 2022
@2022julieg @30pics4jackiesdiamond @abhijit @adi314 @aecasey @aikiuser @amrita21 @ankers70 @annied @anotherhouseblog @aprilmilani @bankmann @barrowlane @bella_ss @blueace @blueberry1222 @bmask @bobfoto @bookthiefsfriend @brigette @byrdlip @caddick @carla42 @carolinesdreams @carys @catcarter19 @caterina @catwhiskers @cawu @cdcook48 @cgarner @christinabengephotography @christophercox @claycameras @clearday @ciklope @cocobella @conniec @corinnec @daphne1212 @davidrobinson @dawrenda @dei365 @denidouble @dh @dide @dougapic @domenicododaro @dreary @dustyloup @edie @epcello @ethelperry @etienne @fauxtography365 @fbailey @fearinnocent @flashster78 @flyrobin @franzhuempfner @frappa77 @francoise @frantackaberry @frida @gavincci @gerry13 @gigiz @ginaanderson @graemestevens @granagringa @griff @grizzlysghost @gq @habit @hjbenson @helenhall @houser934 @ikamera @ingrid01 @inthecloud5 @iris52 @jacqbb @jack4john @jackie8 @jackies365 @jantan @janaarutunova @jeetee @jo38 @jocasta @johnfalconer @judithdeacon @juliedduncan @jyokota @kali66 @kathyboyles @katiebaptist @kametty @kazlamont @kerosene @kiwinanna @kjarn @kriskashtanova @kt8ird @kuva @lasousa @lifepause @lilaclisa @lillula @ljmanning @lindasees @louannwarren @luvmynynix @mace508 @maggie2 @maggiemae @mamabec @mara19500 @mariannamgrimaud @marie65 @markp @mastermek @mathilde22cat @matthank68 @mcrt @mikegifford @milestonevisualmedia @monikozi @moonshinegoober @morrij10 @motherxmind @moviegal1 @mrspedwards @mzzhope @nanderson @netkonnexion @nickspicsnz @northernexposure @northy @not_left_handed @overalvandaan @paintdipper @pamgleason @pamknowler @pdulis @pea @peterdegraaff @phil_howcroft @photohoot @photograndma @pixelchix @pocketmouse @potsbypam @purdey @radiogirl @redy4et @rensala @ricaa @riddle @riverlandphotos @rosiekind @rookynook @royb40 @s4sayer @salza @samae @sandradavies @serendypyty @sianipops @silkestahl @slash @snoopybooboo @spanishliz @sporenmaken @squamloon @sstcowan @stefneyhart @stimuloog @streats @suebarni @suesmith @sugarmuser @summerfield @susale @swillinbillyflynn @taffy @tammyputney @tetonia @thresheg @tinley23 @tiredpanda @tracys @tunia @tstb13 @vignouse @vincent24 @vera365 @weezilou @wenbow @wendyhgill @willowidk @yaorenliu @yolanda @alophoto
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