5+2 for the love of selfies- Habit

April 11th, 2023
Our selfies will center on our habits this week, so capture your self as a creature of habit, with your usual ways of doing things, your routines, your quirks, manner and customs. Should you kick your habit, or do old habits die hard??

tag to use is fiveplustwo-habit

some leading selfie takers




April 11th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @abhijit @adi314 @aecasey @aikiuser @allsop @amrita21 @annied @anotherhouseblog @antonios @aprilmilani @bankmann @barrowlane @bella_ss @beverley365 @blueace @blueberry1222 @bmask @bobfoto @bookthiefsfriend @brigette @byrdlip @caddick @carla42 @carolinesdreams @carys @catcarter19 @caterina @catwhiskers @cdcook48 @cgarner @christinabengephotography @christophercox @claycameras @clearday @ciklope @cocobella @daphne1212 @@darylo @davidrobinson @dawrenda @dei365 @denidouble @dh @dide @dougapic @domenicododaro @dreary @dustyloup @dwindleriver @edie @epcello @ethelperry @etienne @fauxtography365 @fbailey @fearinnocent @flashster78 @flyrobin @franzhuempfner @frappa77 @francoise @frida @gavincci @gerry13 @gigiz @ginaanderson @graemestevens @granagringa @griff @grizzlysghost @gq @habit @hjbenson @helenhall @houser934 @ikamera @ingrid01 @inthecloud5 @iris52 @jacqbb @jack4john @jackie8 @jackies365 @jantan @janaarutunova @jeetee @jo38 @joansmor @jocasta @johnfalconer @johnmaguire @judithdeacon @juliedduncan @jyokota @kali66 @kartia @kathyboyles @kametty @kazlamont @kerosene @kiwinanna @kjarn @kriskashtanova @kt8ird @kuva @lasousa @lifepause @lilaclisa @lillula @lindasees @louannwarren @luvmynynix @mace508 @maggie2 @maggiemae @mamabec @mara19500 @mariannamgrimaud @marie65 @markp @mastermek @mathilde22cat @matthank68 @mcrt @mcsiegle @megstorey09 @mikegifford @milestonevisualmedia @monikozi @moonshinegoober @morrij10 @motherxmind @moviegal1 @mrspedwards @mzzhope @nanderson @netkonnexion @northy @not_left_handed @overalvandaan @paintdipper @pamgleason @pamknowler @pdulis @pea @peterdegraaff @phil_howcroft @photohoot @photograndma @pixelchix @pocketmouse @potsbypam @purdey @radiogirl @redy4et @ricaa @riddle @riverlandphotos @rosiekind @rookynook @royb40 @s4sayer @salza @samae @sutlivesam @sandradavies @serendypyty @sianipops @silkestahl @slash @snoopybooboo @spanishliz @sporenmaken @sporenmaken @squamloon @sstcowan @stefneyhart @streats @suebarni @suesmith @sugarmuser @summerfield @susale @sutlivesam @swillinbillyflynn @taffy @tammyputney @tetonia @thholyhorse @thresheg @tinley23 @tiredpanda @tracys @tunia @tstb13 @unicornlover0109 @vignouse @vincent24 @visionworker @vera365 @weezilou @wenbow @wendyhgill @willowidk @yaorenliu @yolanda @alophoto
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