Nifty Fifty SOOC September 2024

September 1st, 2024
Sorry I am a little bit late posting this challenge, I plead the distractions of real life.
NF-SOOC was started some years ago by Richard Sayer who is no longer with 365 so rather than seeing this challenging exercise fall by the wayside I have taken it up in his stead. For the month of September take and post images using only a 50mm lens (or full frame equivalent) and post the JPEG as captured in camera. (SOOC - Straight Out Of Camera)

In past introductions to this challenge Richard talked about how, back in the day, when photography enthusiasts purchased a camera it was invariably either a 35mm range-finder or a 35mm SLR. In most cases it was fitted with a "standard" 50mm lens. A roll of film was then exposed and sent to the lab and several days later, when you got it back and viewed the prints (or slides) there were some good, some bad but you were stuck with the result of your initial in-camera composition and exposure.

Digital has changed everything. Freed from the cost of film, photographers can snap happily away taking dozens of shots until they get something they like. Zoom lenses enable you stand stand in one spot zooming in and out until you are happy with your composition and modern software allows you to fiddle with your files until the image pleases you. Not that there is anything wrong with all of that. That is my modus operandi and I suspect the same is true for many of you but, as Richard pointed out, it does tend to make us all a little lazy. "I'll fix it in post" is the refrain. When I first tried this challenge I didn't think I would last more than a few days but to my surprise I went the whole month and thoroughly enjoyed it. Richard has created a challenge that requires us to put more thought into the end result before we press the shutter. Beware of highlights, watch out for dark shadows, are there any unwanted elements creeping in from the edges, is the horizon level? If this return to the "old days" sounds interesting to you, if you think you are up to the challenge (of course you are) then please join us for September SOOC. Use a 50mm lens on a full frame camera, a 35mm lens on an APSC camera or a 25mm lens on a Micro 4/3 camera. If you only own a zoom lens, set it to the appropriate focal length and zoom with your feet. Post the resulting JPEG on 365 and remember NO POST PROCESSING. (That's the hard part for me). This includes cropping and horizon straightening so be careful when composing.

Please join us in this challenging, but fun, exercise. It really makes you concentrate when shooting and will help make you a better photographer. Take part for the whole month or just post the occasional image.

Tag your post: nf-sooc-2024

I am looking forward to seeing the results of your old school photography.
September 1st, 2024
Thank you for doing this, Chris!!
I was thinking about doing it - but life got busy.
Will try to do a whole month of this.
September 1st, 2024
@farmreporter No problem Wendy. I had every intention of posting it several days earlier but, as you say, life got busy and September snuck up on me. Better late than never.
September 2nd, 2024
So glad you posted this challenge again!
September 2nd, 2024
I am curious if anyone has any news of Richard. I really miss his presence on 365 and hope he is doing well.
September 2nd, 2024
Yes - I also miss his presence and would love to catch up on him.
September 3rd, 2024
Just checking. I put a couple of coloured photos on - but are they supposed to be black and white? I've noticed that most of them are black and white.
September 3rd, 2024
@jeneurell Colour is absolutely fine Jennifer. Some of us old film shooters have a penchant for black and white.
September 7th, 2024
@cdcook48 Thanks Chris
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