2017.12.17 Sunday: This American robin decided that he had posed for pics long enough ...He turned his back and flew to a distant tree after I took several photos of him :)
Very nice shot. He's sharp but the trees are blurry. Was that done optically, or did you do that digitally? I like that you shared this pose(though, he wasn't technically posing, I suppose) because it shows both sides of the wings. And you've stopped the action quite nicely, too.
@mbrutus Thanks! Other than cropping (the bird was quite high up in the trees), this pic is SOOC. I shot it on the Auto setting, so it is quite nice that the camera focused on the right subject for me :).
@dsp2 I work exactly the same usually. A little cropping if the bird is too far away. Otherwise, mostly SOOC (I had to look that one up.) Sometimes, I go full automatic or I will pick one setting and let the camera select the other. If the conditions at hand are fooling the camera, I'll adjust the exposure compensation. (Which can be a drag when I forget to switch it back.) And I use autofocus whenever I can, except again if the circumstances at hand are fooling the autofocus, then I am forced focus manually. But whoever can focus manually with a bird in flight is a better man/woman than me.