24th December 2018 by emmadurnford

24th December 2018

This is my favourite part of Christmas. Almost everything has been done and what hasn’t probably does not matter. We walked to Hampton Court Palace via Bushy Park and this time had a more successful mistletoe garnering session with a new implement. We only collected a little as had a number of others we saw at Hampton Court! By chance I noticed a little robin outside of the toilet block in the gourds. He was so friendly and this time we had remembered to bring some seed and I actually fed him and a couple of others by hand - evidence above!

We watched the skating for a while and then felt a bit hungry but for savoury rather than sweet so we headed to a little cafe over the bridge in Hampton Court. It is a lovely cafe, great food and reasonably priced.

Afterwards we walked back past the rink again and then home with our mistletoe for a fishy dinner which we always have on Christmas Eve.

I was so pleased that Hester called on FaceTime this evening which is actually Christmas Day morning in Australia. It was surreal to be talking to her as she was getting ready to go for Christmas breakfast in the heat!
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