19th February 2020 by emmadurnford

19th February 2020

I’ve finally done it - got myself up and out for a training ‘trot’ around Bushy Park this morning. Colin came as well and he walked whilst I repeated an old session of the Couch-2-5k app. It was really hard work but I managed it.

We got back for a shower and coffee before heading out again to look at how high the river would reach at high tide. With all the rain from Storm Dennis and a full moon recently the river was running very high and all the sluices are open on the weir. This is the riverbank in Manor Road recreation ground which, even before the peak of the tide, was flooded over towards the bench. My favourite ‘Brown Owl’ boat is in the background with a fluttering RNLI flag.

We walked into Lock Island to look at the rover from there. There is so much rubbish and general detritus caught up in the locks. I hope there can be some sort of clean up.

Later this afternoon I wrote the letter to my doctor to accompany the opticians referral and I really hope this will enable my eye to be treated. There hasn’t been any improvement over the past couple of weeks.

Positive - I’ve taken the first steps (over 11,000 of them!) to getting back into the Park Run
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