Day 24 of lock down 2 (day 255 since the start of the 1st lock down)
Up at reasonable time if not incredibly early for a trot around Bushy Park - we are still repeating old sessions of the Couch to 5K so not too much improvement although my times were better today.
After a shower it was off to deliver a card order to Waldegrave Road, pick up some things in Boots including some vouchers for presents and then to Tescos and back for a long queue for the Post Office. I have been waiting for a quiet time to visit to buy stamps for our Christmas cards but no time has been quiet so I gave up and queued. I paid in a cheque for a framed print to make it all worthwhile.
In the afternoon I had a quick call with Hester and the brilliant news is that she is going to come to Christmas at Mum’s so we can see each other and Christmas will be great! The sad thing is that my other sister cannot come as her husband is on shifts and they are also in Tier 3 - not that anyone seems to think that an issue for the 5-days over Christmas. I am really pleased so I celebrated by looking a roast gammon joint with all the trimmings and a syrup song for dessert.