11th May 2024 by emmadurnford

11th May 2024

Another beautiful morning with mist in streaks this morning above the Moselle and the stunning Reichsburg castle.

My turn to drive today as we headed back to the lovely little town of Beilstein which we had left early yesterday. It was well worth the return visit and a good coffee and cake in a little cafe simply full of coffee grinders and china dolls for some strange reason.

Next stop was Traben-Trabach where I managed to find a single parking space down by the river. We waked across the bridge to look at the bridge house built in the Art Nouveau style and then returned back across the other side of the bridge. It was a nice town but not that much to persuade us to stay for long.

Our last stop of the day was Bernkastel-Kues where I found better place to park although we had a bit of a wait for a space to become free. It seemed to have a bit more soul than the least place although like most of these little towns, it was full of tourists. We wanted some lunch but as with the places, it seems very hard to simply get a sandwich. Most food is fried or rather carb heavy. We did settle on eating at a bakery which has savoury bread and a good coffee and over creamy cake for dessert. I am rather concerned that 2-months of careful eating to lose just one half a stone may all be undone over the next couple of weeks.

I released that there was a branch of another supermarket called Edekas in the town so I found the GPS to pay a visit before we headed back to our apartment. This was considerably bigger and better than the last ‘Penny’. We stocked up with fruit and more pasta for the evenings meal and then started the drive back.

Things began to get interesting on the way back. For some reason and unlike our outbound journey, we were directed to an autobahn for part of the journey. The speed is normally 120kph (about 80 miles mph)… until, for the first time ever the dashboard indicated that there was no speed limit on the road. This is the autobahn I had been waiting for… not too much traffic, good weather conditions… I put my foot down and managed to get to 108mph before a few large bends came up and our exit in another 4kms so no chance to push it further. My adrenaline was definitely pumping by the time we came off the road and it was quite difficult to reduce down to 20-30mph through a succession of little villages. Wow, I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to drive another autobahn with no speed limit before we leave.

Pasta dinner with salad and fruit - thank goodness and despite hoping, no sign of a return of the Northern Lights despite me hopefully popping out though the evening for a ling exposure on my phone.

(8,804 footsteps)
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