19th September 2013 by emmadurnford

19th September 2013

First day in the 'Windy City' - Chicago.

This is an amazing city with such a mix of architecture from soaring skyscrapers in amazing shapes to original brick built 1920's and 1930's buildings. There is also a lot of fog!

The fog started to clear in the afternoon and in the process created some amazing effects that I've never seen before. I hope this shows in the photo above - rays of sunlight are defined by the fog after hitting the windows, you'd never normally see this and I find it fascinating.

Here are a few other images from our first day if you are interested... https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.612972145422137.1073741889.186301661422523&type=1
Awesome shot!!
September 21st, 2013  
It is fascinating and you caught it well. I've been in Chicago only once, to go to a couple of their opera productions a long time ago, but I remember there was a lot of beautiful architecture.
September 23rd, 2013  
@danette I couldn't believe it when I saw it and the photo does not really do the sight justice! @tristansmum It is a fantastic city, we do not usually do tours but we went on an architecture boat trip and it was so informative, we saw lots more from the water (only wish I'd worn my fleece - it was quite chilly!)
September 25th, 2013  
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