These are two of my whirly fans that I made out of the blades from broken desk fans.
I like that I was able to time it so that one fan was moving and one wasn't. We've never been able to figure out why that happens since they all receive the same amount of wind.
@maggiemae I do enjoy watching them. I've made four of them; they are all on trees at the end of the pool so we can see them as we look toward the sea.
@allycoxon Thank you!
@joysabin Thank you very much! I agree...whimsey makes me happy.
@sarasotab Thank you so much!
@maggiemae I do enjoy watching them. I've made four of them; they are all on trees at the end of the pool so we can see them as we look toward the sea.
@tahoemb Thank you very much!
@777margo Thank you so much!
@alia_801 Thank you; I appreciate your comment.