before you pass away you have to be born alive.
breech delivery in my case - feet first, head got stuck - breathe - release me!
birth trauma - i don't want to put my head under water - getting serious panic attacks in deep water.
last experience is just a few weeks back - snorkeling, Great Barrier Reef - the most terrifying hours in my life.
"Live every day as if it would be your last one!"
--James Dean
Oh, and your experience is ironic for me cause I moved up to the Great Barrier Reef to conquer my fear of sharks and ended up falling in love with both sharks and SCUBA! I HATE snorkelling though - I've almost drowned myself every time I've tried it! Snorkelling sucks! :-(
@ribbet9 @maggiemae @sugarmuser @tabbycat @twr @houdiniem @ekaterina @kiwinanna @gsanemone
@bobfoto have a great holiday! happy snorkeling :-)