Some say I am a perfectionist, I am never satisfied until something is completely perfect. It feels like a balance sometimes between settling for mediocrity or seeking an unattainable perfection.
Nice one! You ought to have a word with @padlock who is suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous metronomes and strict guitar tutors at the moment!
@steampowered Thanks mate.... I had heard he was learning the guitar. It's a huge undertaking... I am doing my grade 5 at the moment and it's getting quite tricky in parts. I really enjoy it though.
@gazbadger He has been known to pluck a string or two. Actually, you should see @padlock when we meet at Park Cameras in London. There's the camera shop in front of him, a guitar shop to the left and a cycle shop to the right - he is in seventh heaven and his credit cards start to smoke in his wallet...
@steampowered Haha... apart from the cycle shop I would totally be able to relate! lol... I am right in the middle of talking myself into spending an obscene amount of money on new camera equipment at the moment.... my main problem is that the new lens I got for my current camera is very good and to get a FF equivalent for whichever FF body i go for will cost almost as much as the body! lol
@steampowered It's an ef-s sadly... I did have a moment yesterday where I thought I read somewhere that it was an EF and I got a bit giddy but no, it turned out I was right in the first place. I will get some decent use out of it whilst I save for my new kit anyway... i don't think it will be happening overnight... and they hold their second hand value well so will go towards the new one! =)