What's that smell? by fiveplustwo

What's that smell?

Blueberry actually.

Despite all appearances, I'm not a big fan of meditation in the conventional sense.

Music is my meditation. I can sit with an instrument, for hours (days sometimes), so completely lost in a new song or or an instrumental piece. The house could fall down around me and I'd not notice.

I watched a great video a while back, about how music affects our brains. More so than any other art form.

Scientists have studied the effects music has on us and have found the following.

When we listen to music, it has a big impact on the brain, MRI scans show that multiple areas of the brain light up and chemicals are released that can dramatically change our mood and emotions.

If some one is playing an instrument and actually making music Almost every area of the brain lights up and more chemicals are released.

But when someone is composing or writing music. the whole brain lights up like a massive firework display. Large amounts of dopamine and endorphins are released and the MRI scans look like the 4th of July.

When you see a songwriter or composer at work, they may look calm and focused, but in their heads, there is a massive party going on and they are literally tripping.

I often say music is my drug....... and I mean it literally.

@fiveplustwo What's that smell

@SwillinBilly Flynn
Music is meditation. I get more done with Mozart in the background. Frees my mind and lets it soar. I just spent the morning listening to old songs with questionable lyrics. I laughed my blues away. Great shot :-)
June 13th, 2024  
I don’t play any instruments but music soothes my soul. Especially older, familiar songs that I grew up with. Also classic jazz and any song with a saxophone. Well executed selfie.
June 13th, 2024  
Music for me too….I don’t care if it’s a cliche, its saved me from myself so many times!
June 13th, 2024  
The image me think of a Tom and Jerry cartoon... my heart is burning... found it... https://youtu.be/KEyqndq6tyM?feature=shared
June 13th, 2024  
On a more serious note: your description is so heart warming.
June 13th, 2024  
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