Nature, Nurture and Rebellion. by fiveplustwo

Nature, Nurture and Rebellion.

From the moment we are born we are indoctrinated with other people's views and beliefs. Parents, teachers, the church, politicians, the legal system, all try to fill our heads with their dubious wisdom, spurious beliefs, arbitrary rules and petty restrictions, all designed to make their lives easier, and to make us conform to their view of who and what we should be.

If we are lucky, we reach a point in our lives when we have an epiphany, and start to question these ideas, and realise that this is all just a huge steaming pile of bullshit, utter wankerage and unmitigated muppetry.

We can then start the process of rebuilding ourselves, and start to craft our own reality, and force the world to reshape itself around us and our needs, rather than letting it shape us to be the unquestioning model citizens they need us to be.

I am eternally grateful to two very gifted and enlightened teachers I had at school. Terry Ellis, a very wise psychology teacher, who planted the seed of doubt and rebellion in my head, and John Sharp a music teacher who saw a spark in me and started me on the path to a musical Journey, which has, and always will bring so much joy to my life.

@fiveplustwo theme - psychology


In my life’s journey I learnt at an early age to listen, follow a few and ignore many.
June 29th, 2024  
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