In this day of electronics people are so used to seeing others with devices that they take little notice!
I brazenly sat in the fast food place with my camera on and open, pointed right at her and she saw me. I hoped she would think I was looking at my pictures because I was using the screen instead of the viewfinder. Either she didn't care that I was taking her picture or I fooled her! Inspired by Leslie I am becoming braver. Maybe?
Since you are a female, you can get away with that. I would be arrested before I left the restaurant as a sex crazed old man! LOL Wonderful shot of the eyes! Nice reflections in there.
Amazing eyes!! Wonderfully brazen of you! Lovely reflections....I found the coffee shop at Barnes and Noble quite useful for that sort of thing!!!! Hey Matt says it's snowing like crazy!
@ruthmouch Darn!!! Nothing but rain here! I may have to go see him!! ;~}
Thanks, Ruth for the comment and the suggestion of another place to shoot! ;~}
@lesip ;~} thanks, Leslie! I had the camera setting on the table and was trying to compose the shot while trying to look as if I was just looking at my pictures! Inspired by you!
Thanks, Ruth for the comment and the suggestion of another place to shoot! ;~}
I can hear my mom now " Get that hair out of your face"
It looks like you captured every freckle on her face. How close were you?