Every day fresh food is prepared for the children to eat. This pineapple will be part of a fruit smoothie along with the banana and watermelon I helped to cut up. Lunch is also prepared fresh and served to the nannies and volunteers every day as well.
Does the government provide the food ? How are you uploading these images? Did you bring a computer with you? I'm sure you are going to really miss the children. Enjoy the rest of your time there.
It is nice to see that they have what they need to prepare food. I wonder the same, where does their food like this come from? Do they overall eat pretty healthy and have the food they need? I agree with Leslie. You are going to miss the children and I am sure they will miss you too.
I was wondering the same as Leslie and Darlene - the orphanage seems to have decent food and clothes for the kids. Enjoy those kids as long as you can - I'm sure it will be hard to say good-bye.
@summerfield LOL! Funny! good eye to see the rinds too! @darylo It s very sharp! @kwiksilver LOL! she told me to watch my fingers as I was cutting up the fruit!
@lesip@darsphotos@barbtatum In Tanzania the government provides very littlw! As far as I know NOTHiNG to the orphanage! they go to market once a eek and buy all they need to prepare meals for the babies and nannies. I used a card reader and ipad to upload images while I was there! Sketchy internet and electricity made it a challenge at times.As for the children, I cried when I told them good bye and miss them all so much already!
great PoV
@darylo It s very sharp!
@kwiksilver LOL! she told me to watch my fingers as I was cutting up the fruit!