Planning woes by happypat

Planning woes

We have had a meeting in the Community centre today re the plan for development until 2040.
I’m sure we are not the only ones.
There are meetings in five areas every night this week !
Now I know we are all finding massive house building plans everywhere & of course we do need more houses & we can all be acused of being NIMBYS but after viewing the latest maps I wonder if the planners have any idea!
For a start the map here has not added all the extra housing already being built in the area between the present village & the marked areas. Hundreds of houses already being built….i think we have done our bit!

What ever we say they will talk no notice but the stupidity here beggars belief
The large area in yellow is our nephews land which is a thriving farm but the biggest stupidity is the area in blue which is down as mixed use. Apparently it’s for business etc.
Now this is a busy very well run dairy farm with a son keen to follow his father.
Not only that it’s situated on a bad corner opposite the primary school which is lined with cars every day picking the kids up from school.

I honestly think the planners never go near any of the planned sites to see for them selves!
I feel for you, Pat! Although we live in a quiet little, unincorporated town almost an hour from the city of Missoula, the growth of hundreds of apartment house there is beyond belief and will add chaos to already insufficient roadways around town.
August 13th, 2024  
We have something similar going on here at the moment
August 13th, 2024  
This seems to be happening everywhere, unfortunately
August 13th, 2024  
I empathise Pat - - it seems to be happening everywhere !
August 13th, 2024  
It’s good to be able to voice your opinions… every country is the same.
August 13th, 2024  
I can empathise Pat, there is currently an application in here for holiday chalet type things in our village. The person applying for this was recently turned down for putting houses on the land. Why anyone would want to holiday here is beyond me, there is nothing here & the land is next to a sewage farm!!
August 13th, 2024  
@carole_sandford Brainless isn’t it? We already have over 500 new houses built here in the last three years. I asked if they could compulsory purchase & she sort of hesitated & said not in theory whatever that means? Doctors, school & dentist all full……. Your application will be to get a foot in the door!
August 13th, 2024  
@beverley365 We can write in but they take no notice!
August 13th, 2024  
We have lovely area of fine market gardening land being gobbled up with housing. I think big tall appartments would be better and use smaller footprints.
August 13th, 2024  
The crazy thing is they don't look at the infrastructure before they make plans and then wonder why the roads are jammed and breaking up.. the pen pushers tick the boxes but don't think about the people already there.. Rant over..
August 13th, 2024  
@dide They don’t seem to be building high blocks if flats these days. I agree they look ugly but they did house a lot if people in a smaller footprint ! Perhaps ones not as high perhaps & in the right place too. Not slap in the middle if a field I mean!
Last time I drove up to Auckland I noticed all your onion fields were no more!

I agree Julz…… the decisions they make makes you wonder if they ever visit the area first. No infrastructure either. Apparently the building firms put some money towards that but if it’s not enough it doesn’t get done! ….i asked!
August 13th, 2024  
You good at staying up with what goes on in you town.
August 13th, 2024  
I don't feel qualified to comment Pat , it's difficult whatever happens
August 13th, 2024  
It’s hard to understand the reasoning behind these decisions.
August 14th, 2024  
Oh, dear, so difficult. There's a new building plan in Ballater too which is being received with mixed reactions from local residents ... particularly with a view to future flooding ...
August 14th, 2024  
That is very sad to see lovely open spaces turned into buildings.
August 14th, 2024  
Labour's changes to push tons of affordable housing out there, building on Green Belt land too, alongside removing the ability for people to protest was always going to cause nothing but trouble. We have the same thing here and yet our dentists, doctors and schools are already overflowing and the roads are highly congested already. It is tragic. Our green spaces are being stolen from our children and grandchildren. Once the land has gone, it will never return. Farming land, open fields, woods.....all are under threat. I feel for you and your area so very much 💔
August 14th, 2024  
So sad to hear this - locals no longer seem to have a voice
August 14th, 2024  
So very difficult to get it right and please everyone.
August 14th, 2024  
What @casablanca says so well. It seems to be the same everywhere. One can but continue to have a say via meetings.
August 15th, 2024  
@casablanca Perfectly put thank you Casa! I know it’s the same all over but when you know the families personally it hard. A father & son whose farm is surrounded by prospective building land (& it’s rented so no choice)are distraught.
As you say once it’s gone it’s gone!
August 15th, 2024  
@happypat Makes it so much more personal, I absolutely ache for them being maneuvred like this. Irreversible damage is coming and it's terribly sad.
August 16th, 2024  
The story is the same in so many places....we used to be on the edge of our little town (village?) but now there are extensive areas of house building all round about. And the planners are no wiser here. We had a surveying team just outside our garden a couple of weeks ago, but no clue of the history of the small 'burn' beside our garden.... until Allan had a lengthy conversation with them. 🤔🙄
August 17th, 2024  
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