Ian JB @ ianjb21 asked me for a capture of The bottlebrush buckeye in color. I prefer the b&w version. I think the shape is too strong and the color makes confusing.
I have been interested in photography all my life and remember quite well developing my first black and white films myself... My favorite subjects are...
I like the B&W better too... the top of the bottlebrush looks blue/cyan but other parts look tan... I guess it it just the way the scene is lit... not sure... this version is still very nice though.
I actually like the color version better- even though I love black and white. I like subtlety of the softer colors and maybe what I would have done would be to desaturate the green leaf on the left just a bit to blend in with the back ground more. Lovely shot both ways!
very beautiful shot, I saw the shot in B&W I have to say that they are both beautiful, each one has something of interest, here I see the soft color, in b&W I can see more details