Filler today but it has been an absolutely disgusting cold wet day, and I have still got the lurgy (no voice at the moment) so didn't want to spend too much time outdoors.
It's been all hands on deck with both boys helping Graham do stuff outside. Graham has just about finished making the new pig house with Angus, and Sam has been filling up the bowser that we use for the pigs' water. (Before you start thinking what little angels they are, I think I should point out that they are both trying to earn money or favours (more lifts!) from us.)
I must say, I did feel rather guilty being indoors when they were toiling away in the rain and cold.
It won't do them any harm just to realise how much work you do...non of us are indispensable although we like to think we are....stay warm & get better Jan.
My heart goes out to Elsie.....a mums work is never done!!
My heart goes out to Elsie.....a mums work is never done!!