Gamer’s Generation by jmdeabreu

Gamer’s Generation

Day 151/365 (14Mar2024) Both boys were children of the 80s. Think mullets, big hair, neon colours, MTV, and of course iconic toys. One of the most popular of those iconic toys coming out in the early 90’s, was of course the PSP - PlayStation Portable. In the same way as we’re stuck to our mobile phones now, the boys were completely attached to their portable consoles. I remember weekends where the cousins would be clustered together playing on their consoles. I think this is where the concept of multi-tasking was born. They’d be playing their consoles, listening to music, and bragging about the conquests, be they imagined or realistic. This is how I remember them growing up. I’m not sure how old this console is, but I do know that Chevy still has a really old Game Boy console which he used when going through chemo.
Today was another quiet day for him. We chatted during meal times, and when I came to check in on him several times during the day. Thankfully today there was no dizziness. This is a good thing because the GP have not yet requested the new medication. Some things still take time to process.
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