Waxing Crescent by jmdeabreu

Waxing Crescent

Day 152/365 (15Mar2024) Today is the Ides of March, the day that the soothsayer warned Caesar, that at the very least he would be injured. But more than that, he was assassinated by his close friend, Brutus and senators in the year 44 BC. Looking up at the waxing crescent tonight, this is the scene playing in my head. But also looking through the branches, it also made me think, how similar the twisting branches against the moon must be to the thoughts and stuff in my brain. This is the first time I’ve been out the house in a long time, and surely this must be a realistic picture of what’s going on inside. Hopefully the cool air outside will help clear some of branches and pathways.
Chevy has not been so well today and has been nauseous and had the dizziness again. I’ve been able to get the medication and hopefully these will help. Time to get him ready for a good nights sleep and a better day tomorrow.
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