Night Swans by jmdeabreu

Night Swans

Day 153/365 (16Mar2024) Took a short break and a little walk around Earlswood Lakes. These two lakes were man-made and date to around the late 1300’s. The lower lake has a concrete bottom and apparently was used during the First Word War to test the ability of primitive tanks to cross flooded landscapes. None of this happens anymore and has loads of bird like the Mute Swan, Kingfishers, Grebes, Cormorants, Moor Hens, Ducks, etc. It’s a really beautiful place and very peaceful.
Chevy has been much better today than yesterday. The day outside was very different to yesterday, and very sunny and warm looking. I made sure that the blinds in his rooms were fully up so that he could get some sun on his face and he could watch the beautiful blue sky outside.
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