Double Candle by jmdeabreu

Double Candle

Double Candle
Day 225/365/ (27June2024)
The flickering flame danced in it’s special pedestal, a lone sentinel against the digital onslaught of back-to-back virtual meetings. It was Thursday, the climax of a grueling sprint, and the air crackled with the electric tension of quarterly planning. Teams fatigue had settled in like a thick fog, pulling at the vestiges of sanity.
But I have a secret weapon which keeps me in check. The small, unassuming candle, burning faithfully since the 6th of April, its gentle fragrance a balm to my weary soul. It is a lifeline, a beacon of hope in a sea of pixelated despair.
But today, something extraordinary happened. A long-forgotten wick, hidden beneath the surface, stirred from its slumber. Drawn by the allure of the dancing flame, it ignited, giving birth to a second inferno.
A sense of wonder filled my heart. The double flame danced with unrestrained joy, casting a warm glow that banished the shadows of my Teams fatigue. It was a sign, a symbol of resilience, a embodiment of the unwavering spirit that burns within us all.
In that moment, I embraced the unexpected, welcoming the double flame as a symbol of hope and renewal. For in the darkest of times, it is often the smallest spark that ignites the greatest change.
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