Cacti by joansmor


I loved these colorful cacti I saw in Walmart in February but that was when I was doing Flash of red. I could probably play with this to make it better but I have had another bowel blockage incident and haven't eaten for two days. But teleconferenced my doctor and think I am getting better. I could eat a hard-boiled egg and not throw it back up. But I wanted to post this morning before you got worried. Some suggestions on cropping this would be appreciated.
Such amazing colours, never seen anything like it.
April 4th, 2020  
love those colors!
April 4th, 2020  
Cacti rainbows who would have thought.
April 4th, 2020  
Wonderful colors! What do you have available for editing tools? It would be lovely to be able to straighten the rows. Adobe Raw Editor (in Adobe Bridge) can do it, but I'm not sure about other editors...
Hope you are feeling better soon. It's not fun when food won't stay down.
April 4th, 2020  
I've seen cacti like those on the bottom shelf but the rainbow colours on the top are very different.
April 4th, 2020  
Fun shot. I hope you’re feeling better soon Joan!
April 4th, 2020  
What a pretty shot -hope you feeling better soon
April 4th, 2020  
Very colourful, you could maybe try just cropping at the top shelf level cutting the background out? Or try a tilt and shift letterbox crop?
April 4th, 2020  
Feel better Joan!!!

I think it’d be neat to crop the top and the left side so you have only plants showing, no dead space, and then that empty spot in the green row would really stand out!
April 4th, 2020  
Drink LOTS of water! NOW...and keep on drinking it!
April 4th, 2020  
Lovely capture of colors
April 4th, 2020  
@houser934 I have Lightroom, Photo Shop and Topaz Studio
April 4th, 2020  
Fabulous colours and capture...fav
April 4th, 2020  
Perhaps a little straighten & a wee bit off the left but it’s lovely Joan. Well done for posting when you’re not up to the mark.....sorry you haven’t been well, hope all clears up very soon & you're raring to go soon.
April 4th, 2020  
Great capture of a rainbow of cacti colors
April 4th, 2020  
April 4th, 2020  
Just amazing colours, seen a few of these but not blues and green. Drinking a steady amount of water during the day seems to help a friend of mine. Hoping it finishes soon for you
April 4th, 2020  
April 4th, 2020  
Stunning colors.
April 5th, 2020  
So sorry about your bowels
April 5th, 2020  
Wow they are stunning colours
April 5th, 2020  
I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well- I do hope that will clear up soon. Bravo to you for posting!

First I'd straighten it. The I would crop in really tight removing the pots and just allowing the picture to be filled with the super colorful green, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple and blue rows and cutting out the distracting product in the background. I'd make the shot all about the color, not necessarily the plants.
April 5th, 2020  
Love these colors! Pops on black! Hope you feel better quickly.
April 5th, 2020  
Lovely shot. Hope you feeling better soon.
April 5th, 2020  
Colorful cacti! Love it! Feel better!
April 5th, 2020  
These are very cool - beautiful colors. Hope you are feeling better!
April 7th, 2020  
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