“No snow is too deep to stand against intolerance,”
I attended and participated in a sister march in Flag, "A March for Love" 1/21/17. We were over 1,200 strong and I am so very proud of tiny Flag. There is about 22 inches of snow around but that didn't stop us and won't keep us from making it be known and understood that the people have the power not those in power- This is Democracy.
@susale Democracy takes participation to be viable. If we let others do the work we have no right to say anything. @gardencat I agree, where were they? I hope that this energy doesn't just fade away, we need to remain vigilant. @taffy I agree, we must be protective of our freedoms and rights. It is not just the 'left' but it is ALL that must be aware of our responsibility to stand up for what America is. @s4sayer I like that a great deal, we need to create a bridge of communication and consideration for all, not just those who opinions we share. @la_photographic Thank you so much. I now understand why i needed to go, I had to know that that there are others who feel as I do. @maskerade Thank you so much, the march was peaceful and affirming, which is important. @octogenarian Thank you, my fellow Flagstaffians are a passionate bunch, I was very proud that we kept each other safe and motivated.
Love your photo and the fact that you participated in a march. The closest one to me was an hour away, but I couldn't attend. I wish I could have gone!
And I think we DID vote. We just lost in the electoral college. I have found several like-minded groups and I've been sending emails to my Congressman and Senators. Tonight I sent one to the White House about the importance of releasing his tax returns.
@eudora It was touch and go Saturday morning, very windy and cold but the wind let up so I make the trek downtown. The snow was just a small issue. I heard that a march is being considered for April 15th to show 'him' that we do care and deserve to see complete transparency in our elected officials credentials. He is our employee and he must be made to understand that. I will remain vigilant. @pickerandagrinner This was a wonderful event, I saw such a cross section of Flagstaff and know that it is important to stay aware of what our 'employee' is doing. @pusspup I am very happy that the wind let up for the march. Decent treatment of all is so vital. @megpicatilly I saw that sign and was yes-that sums it up. I will not give into apathy and let the need to stay vigilant evaporate. @overalvandaan We must tell those in power that we are the power, not them.
I stayed in Flagstaff on my way back from Tucson this Thanksgiving. I had no idea it was so cold and snowy there... the AZ part fooled me. What a wonderful place to live. Love the sign Snow way I'd miss....
@stefneyhart So Flag, so quirky. We are proud of our quirkiness. 7000 feet takes getting used to, the thin air but no triple digit heat is worth it.. @jerome It doesn't take much for Flagstaffians to take a stand and raise their voice. We are considered strange by the rest of the state but who cares.
Demos here in London last weekend too.....and in lots of places all over the world I think. Amazing really how one man can unite the world in this way if you think about it.....
I trust that something good is going to come out of this.
@gardencat I agree, where were they? I hope that this energy doesn't just fade away, we need to remain vigilant.
@taffy I agree, we must be protective of our freedoms and rights. It is not just the 'left' but it is ALL that must be aware of our responsibility to stand up for what America is.
@s4sayer I like that a great deal, we need to create a bridge of communication and consideration for all, not just those who opinions we share.
@la_photographic Thank you so much. I now understand why i needed to go, I had to know that that there are others who feel as I do.
@maskerade Thank you so much, the march was peaceful and affirming, which is important.
@octogenarian Thank you, my fellow Flagstaffians are a passionate bunch, I was very proud that we kept each other safe and motivated.
And I think we DID vote. We just lost in the electoral college. I have found several like-minded groups and I've been sending emails to my Congressman and Senators. Tonight I sent one to the White House about the importance of releasing his tax returns.
@pickerandagrinner This was a wonderful event, I saw such a cross section of Flagstaff and know that it is important to stay aware of what our 'employee' is doing.
@pusspup I am very happy that the wind let up for the march. Decent treatment of all is so vital.
@megpicatilly I saw that sign and was yes-that sums it up. I will not give into apathy and let the need to stay vigilant evaporate.
@overalvandaan We must tell those in power that we are the power, not them.
Deep respect
@jerome It doesn't take much for Flagstaffians to take a stand and raise their voice. We are considered strange by the rest of the state but who cares.