We took Adam and his gear back to London yesterday and Monty came with us. While Nigel and Adam were unpacking I took him for a walk around the local area. We took in some slightly dodgy alleyways - this one is a bit of a dumping ground at the end - it's next to a canal and under a railway bridge - one of a few vestiges of the old grotty east end that have yet to be gentrified - it's a fine balance between gentrification and ruination I think. Anyway - we also bought a bed at a shop we passed last time we went down and had lunch with Adam while his flatmates spoilt Monty. Paddington here is loitering with a spray can. Shame the man in blue veered off left and scuppered a better composition.
Got to be a fav. We love paddington in our house. Read paddington and the marmalade maze last week and we have a cd in the car. Eldest go to teddy that goes everywhere is paddington.
Terrific photo of Paddington! I agree that guy would have looked great a bit nearer but if ciurse he was getting out of the way of your photo! No one seems to realise we like people in our pictures!
Readings on cd by stephen fry. They are fab! He is an old fashioned paddington with a blue coat. I love some of the new stories. My favourite is one a story of paddington using an oyster rather than an oyster card to get on a bus in london.