Wet Paws
27 January 2014 -- 27/365
East Providence, Rhode Island
There was a light mist falling when I went out at lunch for today's photo. Driving past the East Bay Bikepath, I noticed the small patches of slush and the growing puddles and thought it would make an interesting setting if anyone was out walking or biking. It turns out I didn't have long to wait. The pair in this photo were walking along the left side of the path, but they - or at least he - was eager to oblige when I motioned that they should cross in front of me. My crouching low for the photo - it was too wet to kneel - was taken by the furry critter with four extremely wet paws as the inter-species signal that I wanted to play. That's when I learned just how wet his four paws were. Now that I think about it, his fur wasn't exactly dry either.
Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, and boost white. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.