Salvage or Scrap by kannafoot

Salvage or Scrap

Salvage or Scrap
28 January 2014 -- 28/365
Barrington, Rhode Island

Today's photo session didn't quite go as planned. I had nothing specific in mind, so I just headed to Haines Point Park in Barrington. When I parked, I noticed that the cove was a sheet of very smooth ice and there were a handful of stubby pilings sticking up about a foot above the waterline. It looked like an interesting photo, so I made my way down towards the shore. I wanted a composition shooting as low to the ice as I could get. Well, wind had swept the ice up onto the shore, and to get the shot I wanted, I had to make my way carefully down that slippery slope. Big mistake. About 3 steps into this act of stupidity, I started to slide. Mind you, I'm dressed in the business casual pants and shirt I wear to work, so I definitely did not want to fall! I didn't. Instead, I just kept sliding until I was now over the water on very thin ice. I can now tell you with all certainty, that the water depth along the shore there is about 8 inches. I can also tell you that salt water that has a layer of ice on it is ridiculously cold! Amazingly, I stayed upright all the way. The kicker, though, is I never used the photo I took while standing in that freezing water. Instead, I found this decaying dock while squishing my way back to my car, and I thought it made a much more interesting scene.

Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, and boost black. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.

Here's the high res version in Smugmug:
I love your title, because it's such a good question. The things photographers do . . . .
January 29th, 2014  
Great composition…love the processing techniques too!
January 29th, 2014  
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