Fishing Season by kannafoot

Fishing Season

Fishing Season
12 April 2014 -- 102/365
Lincoln, Rhode Island

The second Saturday in April marks opening day for Trout Season in Rhode Island. The weather today really cooperated with the anglers. There was a comfortable breeze, and the temperature was about 50°F (10°C) under sunny skies. After the winter we had, that felt downright balmy! I went down to Lincoln Woods to get some opening day photos, and noticed that the number of spectators greatly outnumbered the people actually fishing. The ring road was packed with walkers and runners, also out enjoying the nice weather, although I did hear several walkers lament that the road was now open to through traffic for the season.

Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, and contrast. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.

Here's the high res version in Smugmug:
Nice picture :) How react the people, if they noticed that you toke a shot of them?
April 12th, 2014  
@flauschigerkeks Thank you Nina! When I photograph people like this, I always talk to them after I take the photo. I explain the 365 project to them and I tell them why I wanted to photograph what they were doing. Almost everyone reacts well to it. If someone asks my not to use the photo then I will not use it. In 3 years that has not happened yet. :)
April 12th, 2014  
Wow, a lovely capture Ron! Everyone seems to like spectating! That's actually so fascinating to know that no-one has declined your photos! I'll have to take some tips from you on people photography! I have not yet been brave enough to try it! :)
April 13th, 2014  
@lilminimonka Thanks, Brianna! There's always something interesting to photograph on opening day. lol

On street photography, it's all about confidence and friendliness. To build that confidence, I'd suggest starting where people always expect to be photographed - parades, fairs, festivals, farmer's markets, road races, that sort of thing. Look for outdoor events with a lot of people. The more you take candids, the more confident you become, and that confidence is contagious.
April 13th, 2014  
@kannafoot Thank you very much Ron! Your advice is well received and that sounds like a good place to start. I hopefully will be attending an ANZAC day parade in the next week, so that seems like a great place to start!
April 13th, 2014  
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