Great Wall of Junk by kannafoot

Great Wall of Junk

Great Wall of Junk
13 August 2014 -- 225/365
North Providence, Rhode Island

The geography of the northeastern US is such that our homes are able to be constructed with basements. This, of course, simply gives us double the space in which to accumulate "stuff." George Carlin did an extremely accurate comedy routine about "stuff", and I'm pretty sure he was thinking of my basement when he wrote the material. As a basement accumulates "stuff", it goes through various phases, transitioning from organized, to cluttered, to messy, to "eligible for a spot on 'Hoarders'." Mine, however, has moved past all of that to "potential gold mine for antique hunters." See that container of drywall screws on the lower right? Well, that dates back to 1971 when my parents owned the house and started to finish the basement. (Remind me to post a photo depicting "unfinished projects.") The box on the left? I've no idea what's in it. I haven't looked in it since Reagan left office. So don't think of this so much as a wall of junk; think of it more as my personal collection of assorted odds without ends. Yes, that's another George Carlin reference.

Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, and contrast. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.

Here's the high res version in Smugmug:
I love this. FAV.
August 13th, 2014  
Oh wow, imagine what you'd find when you get a chance to go through all of this! A wonderful shot!
August 14th, 2014  
Funny amd great POV. :) We have a basement too: 2 rooms stuff :D, 1 room as a rehearsal room for my dad's bands and one as a recording studio for his bands too. I'd say we have a pretty special basement :p
August 14th, 2014  
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