Thought Krissy had a scratch on his nose, but looking closely on my computer, in photoshop, and the photo bomber is a mosquito that has had a good feed and is full of blood. Look carefully and you can see the antennae. Wish I could have reached right up there and got rid of it!
Apart from that, you can see Krissy has been feeding on bloodwoods by the tell tale dark sap stuck to his lower lip, so he's doing just fine now :)
Thank you for the awesome comments and questions on my photos.
@stefneyhart when it rains, because this is a sub tropical area, we get a lot of mozzies. I have seen them in swarms which is awesome but not a nice feeling at all! It's been really dry so there haven't been many around at all, Krissy must have been unlucky to be found by that one. He is on the edge of the rainforest pocket, so if there is a mozzie on the property, that's where it will be :)
@koalagardens Thank you for filling me in. I spend a lot of time in the far north of Canada and Alaska, and know "swarms" of mosquitoes so thick one can't hear or see. That's where I'm spending this summer in the Yukon Flats Wildlife Refuge, lol.