I received a box of sweets in the mail from a lady in the UK. She lives in Manchester and we had a "sweet swap" to try different local sweets. These were really good and i've now eaten all of them already.
Hmm. Tesco value brand biscuits? Good grief, they could have sent better biscuits than that. I'll do a swap with you, Lauren, and we can swap the better stuff. I'm sure they were nice though. :)
@sabresun haha Matt but Tesco seems so interesting to me since we don't have one! i've figured out that ASDA is Walmart but not sure if we have an equivalent of Tesco. but these were really good cookies :) yes we SHOULD do a swap and you would have to send me toffee crisp haha and you should expect to receive coffee crisp :)
@laurentye Yes, let's just send identical items to each other, that way there's no chance of disappointment, but you send a third more as Canada is larger country than England. England being only a tiny place and all that, and even smaller from a distance. On a foggy day, I'd be surprised if you can see the island at all.
@sabresun also i think your UK candy is a third smaller than ours. So if we were swapping our identical items you would have to send me 3 of each or else it wouldn't be fair.
@laurentye That's okay, Lauren. It must feel good to be somewhat back in the swing of things workwise in the adult world, with of course missing Owen too. I can hardly believe he's a year old already. How time flies.