My husband got home from work late on valentine's day so we went out for a very late dinner and then had some champagne together late last night (or early this morning!).
I re-uploaded this pic after formatting it to sRBG (I have no idea what that even means, lol) and what a difference it makes! I was wondering why my pictures have been looking so "washed out" and different than what I am seeing in iphoto and picnik. I'm happy to have found a solution (thanks to searching the message boards!)
FYI, sRGB is the color profile used by the web and everyone's computer monitor. It's best to shoot in that profile (or if you shoot RAW, to convert to that upon import). Your other choice is Adobe RBG, which is only useful if you're printing yourself in a carefully color-managed workflow... and even then, it'll look muted and flat on your monitor compared to sRGB. In short, screw Adobe RGB!
@emptyspaces thank you so, so, so much for explaining that to me. I was so confused as to why my colour was changing once uploaded. I do indeed shoot in RAW, so now I know to either change that before shooting or convert it. thanks again!
FYI, sRGB is the color profile used by the web and everyone's computer monitor. It's best to shoot in that profile (or if you shoot RAW, to convert to that upon import). Your other choice is Adobe RBG, which is only useful if you're printing yourself in a carefully color-managed workflow... and even then, it'll look muted and flat on your monitor compared to sRGB. In short, screw Adobe RGB!