Tonights the Night... by maggiemae

Tonights the Night...

Rod Stewart in concert. Held in Dunedin, NZ and this was the only concert in the South Island so the town was humming. They all seemed to be of a like generation and all seemed to love the songs. I found the music far too loud even with earphones on and pressing my hands to my ears! So it wasn't an enjoyable experience for me.

Three good things;
1. The friends who invited us to come with them, really enjoyed the concert but also found the accompaniment too loud.
2. No accidents on the 1&1/2 hr journey home in convoy with a long line of cars.
3. It was 3 degrees when we got home but my planning to have the heat pumps turn on just before we arrived home didn't work. However the house was not cold.
Awesome shot
April 11th, 2015  
Not a fan of Mr. Stewart, but this is a great shot
April 11th, 2015  
Terrific capture of the intensity of the singer.
April 11th, 2015  
We could hear music coming from under the lawn. Wondered what it was. Thanks for clearing up the mystery Maggie.
April 11th, 2015  
Fantastic capture :)
April 11th, 2015  
@mortoncoe Are you in Dunedin? I wondered why there was a succession of cars leaving Dunedin before the concert - all trying to get away!
April 11th, 2015  
A bit further away, a shade under 12,000 miles!
Mortoncoe - Morton, Centre Of England.
April 12th, 2015  
@mortoncoe Boy, those vibrations travelled a long way!
April 12th, 2015  
I saw Rod in concert about 25 years ago in Vancouver. He was great!
April 12th, 2015  
Awesome, fabulous capture!
April 12th, 2015  
@kwind He's been going for well over 40 years!
April 12th, 2015  
well, he never changes does he. fav
April 12th, 2015  
Wow, Rod Stewart... I met him in 1978 at the UN in NY for the UNICEF concert for children. LOL... almost 40 years ago and he is still singing.
April 12th, 2015  
Good old Rod -- he is still going strong !! --a stunning capture Maggiemae !
April 12th, 2015  
@anazad511 His voice is exactly the same but he's very skinny! Needs some roast and 5 veggies!
April 12th, 2015  
@beryl We were allowed to take still photos at this concert but absolutely no video cameras which is a bit of a laugh because just about every camera and phone has video capabilities! Funny though, - no DSLR's allowed!
April 12th, 2015  
Sorry you didn't enjoy the concert. They are loud and if you don't use ear protection, then you can't hear for a week. You did get a really nice photo of the occasion though. I can feel the energy on the stage.
April 12th, 2015  
Great shot for a concert venue. Bizarre about the ban on DSLRs. Happened to me at a Netball Match 8-)
April 12th, 2015  
@tonydebont I wonder why - my bridge camera can get really good closeups which is what they might fear with cameras with lens!
April 12th, 2015  
@flygirl Thanks Dee - John has hearing aids which he just turned off!
April 12th, 2015  
Great capture, but I can well imagine that the sound was too loud.
April 12th, 2015  
@tristansmum I have come to realise my favourite music is played softly on a piano and maybe with vocal - in a restaurant where they serve good food, good coffee/ wine and you can converse!
April 12th, 2015  
How fun. What a great opportunity to see him.
April 12th, 2015 him!!! Too bad was too loud though. When he was younger I didn't like watching him but loved his music. Especially the one ofyour title. Maggie I just Woman In Gold with Helen Mirran . If you haven't seen it please do. Partly because of what I said about you reminding me of her...but mostly it is a wonderful film..full of every emotion you can experience, but I think you will come away glad you saw it.
April 12th, 2015  
@maggiemae Mine is a Bridge but the bouncer insisted it was a DSLR - go figure 8-)
April 12th, 2015  
@eyesmile Thanks Gena for your nice newsy comment! He sang Maggie May too but I had left my seat to go to a quieter place by then. I have just looked at the trailer for Woman in Gold and it is a movie after my own heart! Will look forward to it coming here!
April 12th, 2015  
@tonydebont You could easily show them that it did not have interchangeable lenses!
April 12th, 2015  
Glad you got to see him in concert, and sorry it was so loud. It is rather sad that you have to wear earplugs at a concert that you probably paid dearly for so that you cannot hear. Kind of defeats the purpose! LOL!
April 12th, 2015  
@panthora I noticed other people had earplugs too! Stupid really - the music technicians seem to be able to do whatever they like!
April 12th, 2015  
Great photo maggiemae....harry & I love his concerts & have never found the sound too loud...loud yes but it never spoils the concert. Fault if the sound engineers I reckon! Brian & Lesley are going to the Auckland one so will see what they say. Wish I was there! Fantastic ckear shot....better than I have ever got. Neil Diamond for us in July!
April 12th, 2015  
@happypat It was so loud it hurt my ears and I got a headache, Pat. I"ve always been sensitive to loud noises! I did enjoy the songs as they were well known and we all know the words and sing but not when it made your whole body vibrate! I'd have to say there are others, younger, who say thats nothing!
April 12th, 2015  
shame you didn't enjoy it Maggie. Good shot!
April 12th, 2015  
@barb_b Hey Barb, .. it was a great exercise in photo capture in the dark stadium under lights!
April 12th, 2015  
@maggiemae I bet it was - it would have its challenges!
April 12th, 2015  
Great capture of Rod.
April 12th, 2015  
Great capture and instantly recognisable
April 12th, 2015  
April 12th, 2015  
Great shot and memento of your evening. I used tp love him back in the 70's (but have moved on)
April 12th, 2015  
Great concert shot. It looks like you were very close.
April 12th, 2015  
A wonderful shot Maggie.
April 12th, 2015  
Fabulous concert shot.
April 12th, 2015  
He still looks great doesn't he, and sounds pretty darn good too
April 12th, 2015  
Now that's a nice face to wake up to... Love him!!! Fav
April 12th, 2015  
Well captured :)
April 12th, 2015  
Great capture. I hate loud concerts and they do harm your eardrums but for some reason they all pump up the music
April 12th, 2015  
I'm with you Maggiemae. I never understand why it has to be so loud.
April 12th, 2015  
I was never a big fan of Rod Stewart, however I did like his song "Forever Young". But he's popular with a lot of people- and he's been singing LONG time!! Great concert shot.
April 12th, 2015  
great capture Maggiemae Fav I am with Ann i was not a big fan of Rod my late Dad loved his track I am Sailing i believe it was the only tracked he liked I do like his track Maggie . again only track i like , I am more of a Motown , rat pack , soul 60s and 80s music person myself and of course i like Louie Armstrong and Doris Day .
April 12th, 2015  
@gerry I would have been first on the queue for a Doris Day concert, Gerry - unfortunately she's too old now! I think she's in her 90's!
April 12th, 2015  
@maggiemae yes I suppose she is now i would be the same what a voice she had my fav track was Que sera sera . My late Nan had her records and I grew up listening to music like that back in 1969 which i appreciate that was music in those days not one for Rap or heavy metal but every one to there own choice of music.
April 12th, 2015  
@gerry She always sang as if she was smiling!
April 12th, 2015  
@stevecameras No I was miles away, Steve! But there goes my great zoom - over all those heads to the stage!
April 12th, 2015  
Great capture, shame the loudness spoilt it. I do like his songs although never seen a show.
April 12th, 2015  
so you missed your song maggie , shame :(
April 12th, 2015  
@phil_howcroft No, I was downstairs in the open hall at the back of the seating but it was open to the stage so I heard Maggie May, thanks Phil! There was an icy wind blowing though through this area!
April 12th, 2015  
Sorry you didn't enjoy the music, but that's an awesome candid. You really did a good job capturing the emotion.
April 13th, 2015  
Great capture! Too bad the music was too loud to enjoy.
April 13th, 2015  
He is still singing, and loud? He looks so small.
April 13th, 2015  
@yaorenliu He wasn't so loud - it was the backing music that the musical directors decided to choose with the volume! I wish he was small and I was small to and we could sing a duet!
April 13th, 2015  
oh, him. i like him whenever he sings the classics. otherwise yes, it's always too loud! nice capture, maggiemae.
April 14th, 2015  
Instant fav!!! my favourite artist. I've seen Rod live more than anyone else!
April 14th, 2015  
Fab capture! I got stopped from using my bridge camera at a concert - they wouldn't accept that it didn't have a changeable lens :(
April 14th, 2015  
great shot ... interesting reading everyone's opinions of him!
April 15th, 2015  
What a great shot. I love Rod Stewart but sure understand how loud it may have been. I have been to my sons Jazz Band concerts for years and you cannot turn the volume down. It is what it is. HIs band is amazing. Lucky you to see him live in concert. What a pain to get home in that traffic. Weather sure is changing there. Glad you were not freezing when you arrived. FAV
April 17th, 2015  
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