Birds Eye View by maggiemae

Birds Eye View

In our area, a photograph was posted which was amazing but very blurry and unfocused. A local farmer had ploughed a huge area of his acreage into the name of our provincial rugby team who had actually won! Since then, the our intrepid duo have sourced this field and the determined driver (of Sadie) had found a higher place to photograph this in a much better way! When we got there today, they had ploughed the final score!

A local pilot had also flown over it, posted his shots to prove it was not photoshopped!

Three good things:
1. A great public march from our little town to protest against cuts to our most important hospital! About 2500 and I got some great shots.
2. Found out how to put ‘chapters’ into my journal! So much more work to do. Images have to be sent to the publisher separately.
3. 'Rick Stein in India' is totally fascinating! But we had some curry rice rolls from a takeaway here that came from an old recipe and we were asked to tell them how good they were! They were!
Incredible pov.
July 5th, 2015  
July 5th, 2015  
Awesome :)
July 5th, 2015  
Really impressive. Fav.
July 5th, 2015  
A beautiful imaginative ploughing......the whole thing with your snowy mountains & rows of still green trees makes this a wonderful photo & Sadie did a wonderful job should send your version into the papers! Sounds like the book is coming on well ....very must hardly have time to go to bed these days!
July 5th, 2015  
@happypat I hardly have time to look at other photos, Pat! But I'll get round to it- the old 'roundtoit' trick!
July 5th, 2015  
That must be one dedicated farmer--this looks as if it must have taken a long time to plough.
July 5th, 2015  
@tristansmum He had one of those monster machines, Stephanie - probably done with a GPS too!
July 5th, 2015  
This is really impressive.
July 5th, 2015  
Very impressive!! The view is breathtaking by itself, but the fact that a farmer is such a dedicated fan of the rugby team that he would go to such lengths is indeed commendable!! And, then, there is you and your friend trying to find the best vantage point to photograph it!! :-)))
July 5th, 2015  
@panthora My 'friend' is dear hubby, Osia. I love it that he is keen for me to get a good photo!
July 5th, 2015  
How fun! Congrats to your team!!
July 5th, 2015  
Wow what a fabulous view! That farmer is a dedicated rugby fan to do that! Well done on finding such a great vantage point to get your shot - your driver (hubby) did well! Sounds like the book is coming on. It's certainly keeping you busy!
July 5th, 2015  
@pamknowler I hope that he is recognised for this work, Pam - its a masterpiece!
July 5th, 2015  
Awesome shot, Maggiemae!!! very cool!
July 5th, 2015  
Just brilliant. Great photo of a great idea. Fav.
July 5th, 2015  
What a work!
July 5th, 2015  
Quite the spectacular shot, Maggiemae! Perhaps you should send it to the TV or paper!
July 6th, 2015  
Great job, congrats to Highlanders!
July 6th, 2015  
Awesome shot
July 6th, 2015  
@grammyn I just did, Katy - will see if it is taken!
July 6th, 2015  
Impressive shot and ploughing. Well spotted and captured.
July 6th, 2015  
@maggiemae woop! woop! good on ya!
July 6th, 2015  
Love all the layers! Great job!
July 6th, 2015  
#3 yummmm, Great capture, how cool!
July 6th, 2015  
What a great way to support your team! I just happened to see your photo while watching the World Cup - US vs Japan.
July 6th, 2015  
What a frame! A keen supporter obviously.
July 6th, 2015  
@ishutter Was that soccer or rugby, Kim? NZ is a rugby nation!
July 6th, 2015  
A fantastic visual
July 6th, 2015  
Beautiful shot. Maybe that's why they won! Wellington should have done something similar ;) My brother went to the game. I heard it was sold out.
July 6th, 2015  
Wonderful shot... amazing dedication, to get this rugby score plowed up... Super shot, against the mountains.
July 6th, 2015  
Great shot, Maggie! That's so cool the farmer did that! I didn't know you were doing a journal. Is it one for photos and writings? Are you doing a photo book? That would be cool. Your photos are definitely worth it!
July 6th, 2015  
@prttblues I have transcribed my mother's journals, Bev. She kept several diaries when she travelled to Britain in 1929 aged 24 with her sister. They journeyed all around in a 1928 Morris Oxford convertible!
July 6th, 2015  
@kiwichick The tickets went so fast, you had to be frightfully quick or stand in line overnight! It was a good game too!
July 6th, 2015  
@maggiemae That's good. It sounds fairly close!
July 6th, 2015  
What a wonderful supporter he is. Great shot of this, love the mountains in the background.
July 6th, 2015  
Brilliant capture and very clever farmer to lay out all those characters on that undulating ground. Fav all round.
July 6th, 2015  
Well done to the farmer and not less to you for this idea and shot. fantastic scenery here.
July 6th, 2015  
@sangwann Thanks Dione! You are so right! We have it all here but not tropical temperatures which keeps some prospective people away!
July 6th, 2015  
Dedicated fan. Superb view to show it off. Well taken.
July 6th, 2015  
Stunning view and clever ploughing. Fav
July 6th, 2015  
amazing layers and superb view
July 6th, 2015  
What an amazing view, the field is super but that view takes my breast away
July 6th, 2015  
@claireuk and you are now totally breastless! (breathless)
July 6th, 2015  
Great photo. It was a great game and a thoroughly deserved win. You definitely should send that to TV and/ or the local press. Fav
July 6th, 2015  
@maggiemae Oh I do hate the iPad! It auto corrects everything! :0) Even when the word is correct. At least it gave us a laugh.
July 6th, 2015  
@claireuk oh that gave me such a chuckle. Auto correct is such fun.
July 6th, 2015  
a stunning shot. Enjoyed reading your 3 notes of the day x
July 6th, 2015  
so much work. I am always drawn to almost-ridiculous efforts that humans feel called to put forth. I guess the intrepid pair figures into that too! nice shot.
July 6th, 2015  
Well you've got it sharp and in focus. Well done. Its a wonderful shot without the ploughed field.
July 6th, 2015  
@maggiemae Oh wow. That is so cool!! What a chore it must be, but it will be worth it in the end I think! Good on you, Maggie! Keep up the great work!
July 6th, 2015  
True dedication. Grest dhot
July 6th, 2015  
What a view. great that the farmer did it. looks fantastic. fav.
July 6th, 2015  
Not that's what I call a good supporter. Sorry to hear about theossified hospital cuts. Our government instigated a cutting programme 5 years ago and productivity is still not back up to the level it was before the cuts but that seems to be the way of the world at the moment
July 6th, 2015  
Amazing view. I love everything about it.
July 7th, 2015  
A majestic view and .... a crazy piece of "field art" :)
July 7th, 2015  
What an amazing piece of 'field art', it needs a lot of skill to plough to this degree of accuracy - great capture Maggiemae, I hope the local paper published it.
July 9th, 2015  
Well done Highlanders! And great shot to celebrate the victory!
July 13th, 2015  
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