Would love to see more No Mow May captures! You can shoot the weeds, wildflowers and pollinators anywhere - doesn't have to be in your yard.
Commonly known as honeybells, fragrant false garlic and onion weed. It is a bulbous perennial. It has become naturalized as a nearly cosmopolitan weed. The whitish flowers are sweetly scented (like a lily). It is a hybrid between N. entrerianum and N. gracile. The binomial names Nothoscordum fragrans and Nothoscordum gracile have also been applied to this plant.
@Dawn Thanks, Dawn!
@milaniet Thank you so much, Milanie!
@larrysphotos Thank you, Larry.
@mittens Thank you very much, Marilyn.
@pattyblue Thank you ever so much, Pat!
@joansmor Thanks, Joan.
@corinnec Thank you very much, Corinne!
@shutterbug49 Thank you! I'm liking your No Mow May shots very much.
@sakkasie Thank you very much, April!
@ljmanning Thank you, Laura!
@amyk Thanks so much, Amy!
@monikozi Thank you, Monica!
@ludwigsdiana Thank you very much, Diana.
@kjarn Thanks, Kathy!
@rensala Thank you so much, Renee.
@briaan Thank you ever so much, Brian.
@ziggy77 Thanks so much, Jo.
@craftymeg Thanks very much, Margaret.
@pamalama Thanks so much, Pam!
@jeremyccc Thank you, Jeremy.
@haskar Thank you very much, Haskar.