The gift from my good neighbor. They came all the way from Montana with some nails still in place. For more about this story, see my original post here... Yes, I know the rusted theme is finished, but I still have one or two more rusted shots I want to post.
Still trying to stay ahead on my posts. Today (8/14) will be the start of a new job for me and I don't know how I will balance my time here and give work all I've got to give it, too. Just bear with me until I can figure it all out.
Now I am not seeing these for a long time...thanks a lot for this pic....I want one....This is saying that if you put one on the will be safe
Fabulous shots (both of them) I think you need to put the lottery on this weekend, you never know and it would be silly to look a gift horse in the mouth.......................................... :0)
@swguevin Thank you very much, Sheila!
@simon0128 Thank you, Simon!
@lynnb Ha ha! Not much sleep! Thank you so much, Lynn! I'll be leaving shortly!
@claireuk That might not be a bad idea! Thank you so much, Claire!
@gerry Such wonderful comments! Thank you, Gerry!
@jdr4690 Thank you very much, Rob! Appreciate your comments!
@sangwann Thank you so much, Dione!
@copperheadglass Thank you, Meredith!
@daisy Thank you, Kathryn! Hope you got some good news today!
@rah2012 Thank you for your kind comments, Lara! Most appreciated!
Have just a few minutes here to respond. My new job is keeping me is very busy. Required overtime and extra shifts this week. Hope to catch up soon!