For the tag challenge I got "architecture" and "eyes." (OK I know this is just one eye, not eyes.) Had some trouble trying to get the holographic eye pendant I was holding in focus and also get the architecture in focus. In fact, I failed to accomplish that. This is an obviously highly processed shot of my parish church. It was in focused and the eye wasn't. In fact, the eye was so dark it wasn't distinguishable as an eye until I took it into iPhoto, then PS Elements, and finally for the framing. But I liked the way the eye lined up between the towers in this shot. I had hoped that I could somewhat equalize or at least disguise the difference in focus, and applied a different effect to it than to the church. Working on the eye, I tried adjusting various things on the color -- not entirely to my satisfaction. But I've already spent all afternoon at this stuff. So here it is. By the time I had finished it was reminding me just a bit of an oriental fan.
In my alternates album I'm posting a shot I took facing diagonally across the intersection at the grade school. In that the eye is in focus but not the school.