Waiting for the Steel Band by mcsiegle

Waiting for the Steel Band

I beg your forgiveness for the mass upload of nine photos at one time. I've gotten hopelessly (almost hopelessly) behind during the last couple of weeks while we had friends and family visiting.

These two photos were taken about a month ago at the city park bandshell, where we were waiting to hear the Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band play. The concert had been rescheduled after they got stuck in another city the month before and unable to make it. Since this was billed as the last time they would tour to Manhattan, we were especially keen to see them. They were scheduled to play at six and then the Manhattan Municipal Band would play at eight for their last concert of the season. The Steel Band was laid on in the extra early slot because of the rescheduling.

It was BEASTLY hot that day. My mom had wanted to go with us, but was wavering. There was another music event happening up at the main building where she lives. So she decided at the last minute to go there instead. When I met Frank at the park, I could see that the stage was empty (not a good sign.)

The man next to us said they had announced earlier that the band would be delayed and it might be 6:30 before they arrived and set up to play. Then someone came out and explained that the last that had been heard from the band was a call at noon that they were in St. Louis, had stopped to call, but were headed toward us.

Either the band didn't carry a cell phone (what the person said) or we just didn't have their number, I don't know. But there was no way for the Parks and Rec organizers to get a hold of them for an update. So we sat and waited. 6:30 came and went. At about 6:45 a few of the Municipal Band members showed up. Around 7:00 they started setting up chairs and music stands. No additional announcement to update us, as I suppose they had no update to give. I guessed that the Municipal Band was going to start performing as soon as they all could assemble and let the Steel Band perform afterward.

Frank and I cut out about 7:30, still with no update on what they planned to do. We went home to eat something, then Frank walked back to the park about 8:30 to see if the Steel Band had arrived. He didn't see any sign of them; the Municipal Band was still playing. I heard later they eventually showed up and played a very late concert. Ah, well.

These photos of the two gentlemen in front of us show the empty stage, and then later the Municipal Band setting up chairs. I wish the sky matched in both photos. But I couldn't figure out any way of accomplishing that.
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