The get pushed challenge given to me by Jackie @30pics4jackiesdiamond was: " Look through list of people you follow, and comment on regularly. Choose one of them. Then look through their recent albums. Then choose one of their photos and replicate it with your style and pazzaz. When you post please include the link to the picture you chose to emulate."
Not sure about style and pazzaz here, but one of my 365 friends (who I just discovered I don't actually "follow" -- corrected that now) is Kathy @randystreat She so faithfully comments on my photos that I guess I just follow the link in her comment to get to her project. Anyway, I like what she posts in her albums and so I went back through her pictures and came across this whimsical "Walking Gnome."
It made me smile as soon as I saw it. (How could I not?) and I decided to use that for the get pushed challenge. I'm afraid these bookends that my sister sent me from Germany in the early 70's don't have the winning charm of Kathy's gnome, but I did have a chance to play with the arrangement and lighting on them until I got something I liked.
I think you have done a masterful job or adding your own pizazz to the subject and it is even impressive that you found a similar subject in the first place
OMG! I'm flattered and humbled. I like this so much. i collected garden gnomes for awhile, so I appreciate how much nicer this gnome is to start with. I love your DoF and the lighting. Well done!