Some times your inner voice tells you - go climb a rock - what we did today. Ok, this picture does not show us climbing or using the via ferrata, it is the ascendent to the climbing route over a large scree slope, when the sun just showed up. Thaqrs the moment While climbing you would like to have the hands free, and no distraction by photography is needed. So the camera was packet safely in the backback most of the times. Bur we had a great time, but are soooo exhausted now.
Love your composition! Years ago I would never want people in a shot like this. But a well placed human adds so much to the scale of things. I also like the sun peaking out from behind the mountainside! FAV!
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Hi Jacky, the formation of this scree or talus deposit is the result of physical weathering and erosion acting on the upper rock face. The predominant processes that degrade a rock slope depend largely on the regional climate (temperature, amount of rainfall, ice building and exploding stones away, etc.). The stripes you see are the path, or are the paths that lead upwards to the rockface, where you have to rock climb. Because of the constant movement of the scree, the path changes often and builds up this pattern.