@alisonp Thanks Alison - I appreciate your feedback. I was quite surprised how furry this bud was. I was pleased with the photo though because my close-ups often turn out blurry even though they look clear through the viewfinder.
Great shot Nick. I note in your profile you say you want to learn - not sure how much you already know, so I apologise if this is something you are already aware of! You say some of your close ups come out blurry - this is likely to be due to the aperture setting. You have shot this at f5.6 - if you choose a higher number (say f11 etc) you will get more 'depth of field' - in other words, more of your photo will be in focus. In this case, f7.1 may have given the whole bud in focus but left the background blurred. Best bet is to try different settings and see. If you are currently shooting on full auto, set for camera to A - aperture mode and see what happens at different f numbers - the camera will take care of shutter speed. And have fun! Either way, this is a great shot.
@kiwisnapper Thanks for the advice Ashley. I'll have to try the aperture settings you've suggested. I have been trying to take photos on M if I can (I think this one and my calves photo were taken on M) but haven't tried any on A and that sounds like a good idea.
@nickspicsnz Hi Nick. M is even better - that gives you control over both aperture and shutter. Just make sure than when you change the aperture, you change the shutter to keep overall exposure correct. A and S modes just make it a little easier when learning as you change one and the camera changes the other to balance.
@kiwisnapper I had a practice on the different settings today using the same/similar buds. Despite being a bit windy I still got some photos I'm pleased with and, more importantly, that seem to be in focus! I still need to keep practising with different settings but thanks again for your help.