Common Blue Butterfly by nickspicsnz

Common Blue Butterfly

I think I’m destined to only take photos of imperfect butterflies. The last one had ragged wings and this one is missing a big chunk on his wing which I didn’t realise until I downloaded my pics. He did manage to fly about OK though.

The Common Blue is probably one of the most common butterflies in NZ but due to its small size and flight close to the ground it’s probably one of the most overlooked butterflies too. The butterfly is very small, having an average wing span of 24mm. Males have a stronger blue colour on the upper side of their wings than females (so I reckon this one’s a boy). The underside of the wings is silvery grey and dotted with brown and white spots. They lose their blue colour and become greyer with age (I know the feeling!). They inhabit grassland, lawns, roadsides and riverbanks. It is sometimes considered a pest on pastures because the caterpillars eat clover, trefoil and lucerne.
I don't think I have seen one of these before - good capture!
April 12th, 2015  
A lovely clear image of this tiny butterfly. Nicely done. Fav
April 12th, 2015  
Don't think this is one common in my area either. Nice shot.
April 12th, 2015  
April 12th, 2015  
Very pretty.
April 12th, 2015  
Also, I don't think imperfect butterflies are a bad capture. It shows that their lives maybe aren't quite a leisurely and graceful as we tend to think. Butterflies actually have a lot of predators to be on the watch for. Maybe they should have some "battle scars".
April 12th, 2015  
NIce capture!
April 13th, 2015  
We have similar species in UK, but too early and windy for them just now...I will try for a collage later this summer...
April 13th, 2015  
Excellent capture, I have been trying for one of these for a while now - the common blues are becoming quite uncommon in certain areas due to the German paper wasp which was accidentally introduced a few years back.
April 15th, 2015  
@alinz @dide @rickster549 @lisamccloskey @debrac @aat3877 @tiedmark @snaphappi Thanks very much. It's quite a little thing. I tried to take shots of a few but they kept flying away (of course!). I was down on hands and knees creeping forward really slowly so I didn't frighten this one away - anyone driving past would probably have thought I was mad! The things we do....
April 15th, 2015  
Lovely focus on this.
April 19th, 2015  
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