Had a dodgy internet connection last night so wasn't able to view/comment on everyone's beautiful photos. I spent some time practising with my macro lens again. Please can anyone suggest good websites/youtube channels to learn about lighting? I found it difficult to get the lighting right to highlight the beautiful greens and blues on this feather - trying to use a table lamp at funny angles probably wasn't the best way though!
I think it is quite beautiful the way the greeny tips of the feather are just melding into the black! fav. I always Google, Nick - just say, "Photography lighting tips"!
@maggiemae Thanks very much Maggie. I'll have to do some Googling. @rickster549@alinz Thanks both. I picked this feather up at Hamilton Lake when I got the other one I photographed. I got quite a few different shapes, sizes and colours so no doubt more will pop up in my project in due course.
@rickster549 @alinz Thanks both. I picked this feather up at Hamilton Lake when I got the other one I photographed. I got quite a few different shapes, sizes and colours so no doubt more will pop up in my project in due course.