Fort Hancock by njmom3

Fort Hancock

Fort Hancock at Sandy Hook is a former US Army artillery base used to defend the Atlantic coast and the entry point into the New York harbor. It was operational from 1896 until 1950. It is now part of the Fort Hancock Memorial Park. These homes face the bay side of the peninsula and served as homes for the officers. Slowly, the buildings are being restored and repurposed. The entire area is a national historic landmark.

It was a gorgeous day to be out here. The sun was playing hide and seek behind the clouds, creating changing light and conditions minute by minute - from skies all shades of blue and grey.
Reminds me a lot of Fort Chaffee near me in Arkansas - must have had a standard design. The area here is being repurposed, too.
November 3rd, 2021  
Love the sky, trees and multiple matching homes. Fav.
November 3rd, 2021  
I love the uniformity of the houses and trees.
November 3rd, 2021  
perfect weather and time of year to get this shot!
November 3rd, 2021  
Super image, repetition, sense of scale
November 3rd, 2021  
They look like they could be beautiful!
November 3rd, 2021  
Nice layers.
November 3rd, 2021  
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