no need to comment... just comparing dof from three different cameras to test the theory that sensor size impacts dof... i'd say the theory is confirmed...
@vignouse not much really... I did it because someone started a thread w the question of whether it is possible to get good dof with a p&s... the guy at the camera store had. Warned me that dof on the micro 4/3 wasn't as good as with the cropped sensor, so I decided to see w hat the practical reality was...
@northy Fascinating subject - you use the phrase 'not as good' but I suspect many people would consider it better as those seeking a snap to record an event often prefer back-to-front sharpness in an image.
@vignouse haha! You are right about that... info believe he told me I would get better dof because more would be in focus... I, however, interpreted that the other way ;p
@northy@vignouse It most definitely does depend on the sensor size. In the same way that effective focal length does. f/1.8 on an APS-C sensor is close to an "equivalent" FF f/2.8. Another reason FF cameras (or even medium format) are the preferred professional portrait photographer's camera.