Autumn Leaves  by pcoulson

Autumn Leaves

Leaves are just starting to change in our local park
Wonderful shot and such a variety of greens and browns. Autumn is on its way.
September 3rd, 2014  
Nice shot Peter. Thanks for the scotland pictures.I showed my wife today and she said thank you.
September 4th, 2014  
@onewing Thank you Babs, will be getting more opportunities in the next two months, ( had another go at the mirror box last night, still not happy with mine, its down to getting the right image to start with, I'll get there in the end);
September 4th, 2014  
@peterlgrave Thank you so much Peter, its as much pleasure for me to see yours and others from all over the world, I'm pleased your wife enjoyed my efforts;)
September 4th, 2014  
A lovely scene
September 4th, 2014  
@pcoulson One thing which may make a difference with the mirror box shots is the canvas size. I seem to think that it says change the canvas size to 150% but I may have changed it to 200% because 150 made it a bit squashed. Give that a try and see if that improves things.
September 4th, 2014  
@flyrobin Thank you Robyn;)
September 4th, 2014  
Начало прекрасной осени!
September 5th, 2014  
@simta Спасибо Татьяна, осень только начинает менять цвета, я буду ездить в Озерном крае в конце месяца, чтобы сфотографировать лес с большим количеством цветов;)
September 5th, 2014  
Such a pretty photo Peter! I wish I was there right now, looks so perfect!
September 7th, 2014  
@lilminimonka Thank you very much Brianna, its part of a very well looked after local park;)
September 7th, 2014  
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